Given the Trinitarian “structure” of Reality, I contend that there are only two possible direct Ways to the Absolute – the Way of the Jnanis and the Way of the Mystics. Because the Absolute, the Divine Being, consists of two “vines” – the vine of Soul (Or Consciousness) and the vine of Spirit (or Light-Energy) — these two “vines” (which comprise the Godhead) offer the only two radical (or gone-to-the-root) portals to Reality (the two “vines” united as One: the Di-vine Being).
In Part 1 of this article, I elaborated the definitive method of of the Way of the Jnanis: Ramana Maharshi’s Self-enquiry, which focuses directly on Soul (or Self) Consciousness, and indirectly on pulling Shakti (or Spirit Power) into the Heart-center (two-digits to the right of the center of one’s chest) in order to unite it with immanent Soul (or Self), and thereby attain Divine Union and realization of the Trinity (the two “vines” of Reality united as One, so as to “produce,” or unveil, the “third vine,” the “Father,” or “Bhagavan,” the single Di-vine Being).
In this Part, I will elaborate the direct method of the Way of the Mystics: Plugged-in Presence, which focuses directly on Shakti (or Spirit Power), and indirectly on Soul (or Self). The end-goal of this method — uniting the immanent Soul (or Self) with Shakti (or Spirit Power) is the same as the method of the Jnanis, but the emphasis is on immediately connecting to Shakti rather than on obviating ‘I’ –thoughts, which consequently pulls down Shakti into the Heart-center.
True, or Spirit-ual, mysticism is about communion (culminating in union) with Ultimate Reality. The mystic’s method is to commune with the Shakti, or Spirit, the Light-Energy of the Absolute, and unite his consciousness (or soul) with it. The un-en-Light-ened mystic’s consciousness (or soul) is contracted Siva, and by uniting (or “binding”) his bound soul with the Light-Energy of the Absolute, the Shakti, he is able to free (or infinitely expand) it, and thereby recognize himself as Siva-Shakti: the Divine Being in human form.
The method of the mystics that I teach is this: Be whole-bodily present to (and gaze into) the empty space in front of you. Feel yourself as the whole body, “pressing” against the space. In other words, be in direct relationship to it. In order to facilitate attentional stability, as soon as you notice that your mind has wandered into reverie, causing you to lose your connection to the empty space, enquire in the form: “Avoiding relationship?” This will instigate a re-connection. Alternatively, simply resume the “gaze into space.”
At any point the concentration-effort to remain in direct relationship to space become oppressive or creates uncomfortable tension, take a deep breath or two, and utterly let go of your bodymind. Remain effortless, as if dead, for a time, and as thoughts arise, neither accept nor reject them. This will allow them to “self-liberate,” to dissolve of their own accord. When this “no-practice” of letting go and letting be becomes a “struggle,” resume the complementary practice of relationship, or at-one-ment, with the empty space in front of you.
Once a mystic has been Initiated — Baptized by Shaktipat, the Descent of Spirit Power into his bodymind, his “gaze into space” morphs into a “beholding of Light-Energy.” Instead of being in direct relationship to mere empty space, he now, at times, experiences at-one-ment with the Shakti. This leads to a third practice to complement those of whole-bodily presence/relationship and effortlessness/letting go — conducting/receiving the Shakti-flow, or Spirit-current.
At this point, the mystic is able to receive and, for a time, unite with the downpoured Shakti, or Shaktipat, in the Heart-center and enjoy the bliss of this intercourse. And when his Heart-knot is cut, the connection becomes permanent Union, and then Identity, as the mystic realizes himself as the Son, or Self, consubstantial with the Father, or Divine Being.
{ 1498 comments… read them below or add one }
Hi Ron, been a while. Hope all is well.
I’m curious how you would categorize The Cloud of Unknowing in your “two ways to God-realization” approach. Being that it is a Christian work, it would initially make sense to qualify it as a mystic path, but the interesting thing is that the author is very clear that he wants the (student) contemplative to dwell on the feeling of his own existence/being as a means of coming to know God’s existence/being. Which leads me to question: is there a possibility of a path that integrates both approaches from the beginning?
Good to hear from you, Tom. I wondered if you were still following this site.
Only the rarest possible disciple — someone who probably has never lived — could immediately integrate the Way of Jnani and the Way of the Mystic into one Way, and he would do this simply by effortlessly Be-ing Consciousness-Energy. But this is impossible unless one is born with a regenerated Amrita (or Atma) Nadi, which would enable one to directly, immediately, effortlessly BE. Realistically, until one cuts the Heart-knot, there has to be emphasis on either the Son pole (Jnana) or the Spirit pole (Mysticism). And when these two poles — Siva and Shakti — are united in the Heart-center, then the Father, the Divine Being is “produced,” or unveiled.
What would you say is the fundamental difference between the two approaches, Ron? It seems to me that mystic approach is more of a merging with Something conceived as outside or separate from oneself, whereas the jnana approach is more of a dissolving into oneself. Could you say that the difference is explosion (mystic path) vs. implosion (jnana path)? I’m not sure how this analogy would fit with your electrical model…
Tom, the fundamental difference is that the Jnana approach is based on inwardness (the inversion of attention) and the search for one’s transcendental Identity (Self), while the highest mystic approach is based on Communion/Union with Spirit (Shakti) in order to realize Divine Being.
Hey Ron. Was wondering whether you’ve practiced the method of prayer/meditation described in The Cloud of Unknowing and in the writings of Thomas Keating (“Centering Prayer”). I’ve read your Amazon review of Keating’s Open Mind, Open Heart, but I’m wondering whether you’ve practiced it for any substantial length of time. If so, how does it compare (in terms of the method itself, not the experiences you had) to your current practice of plugged in presence?
Nevermind my last post. I am remembering that we’ve talked about this before.
Ron, although I practice Divine Yoga and understand the “mechanics”, it seems to be difficult to separate the 2 paths:
1) In both cases Shakti plays an important role, liberating contracted Shiva in the Hridayam.
2) The mystic path cannot be seen as an “outward” path.
3) Focusing on space and not being drawn to, not being pulled into thoughts or sensory stimuli has something of an inversion of attention.
4) Shiva and Shakti are inseparable like 2 sides of a coin. How can they be sought separately?
Please correct my understanding.
.. and in both cases individual awareness is united with the Divine Being; and in this process Shakti plays an important role.
… and as I learned just now, outer space, the sky, is only a symbol for inner space (spaciousness) in the Heart …
Viennabuddha, as I’ve made clear before, the Way of a Mystic is an “asward” path, meaning that Awareness is in the mode or asana of Be-ing, which is the mode or asana of Relationship or Communion.
As I’ve repeatedly made clear, there is no need to focus on space, which is used as a meditation object in some schools of Buddhism. I think it is an excellent object, because the Ether leads right to Light-Energy, or Shakti, the Sambhogakaya. Not being drawn into objects is not an inward path. One simply notices oneself attaching to thoughts, and lets go of the thoughts by neither accepting or rejecting them. The context, or asana, of as-ness, or Suchness, or Being-ness, or Relationship is maintained.
The first four of the five Sheaths in Vedanta were interposed by Lord Siva to separate Siva from Shakti in Maya, or creation. The Yogi must cut through these Sheaths to get to the 5th Sheath, which is Iccha Shakti, the Causal Body. When the yogi receives Iccha Shakti as Anugraha Shakti into the Heart-Center (Hridayam), he unites with Shakti, and then the Causal Body, rather than obscuring En-Light-enment as a sheath, “causes” his En-Light-enment. The yogi’s soul (contracted Siva), becomes de-contracted and shines to Infinity as immanent Siva when it unites with Shakti.
Yes Ron, but in both paths we have to cut through or leap over all these sheaths to reach the liberating Shakti (which I thought is Ananda-Shakti). I really do not see any difference between the 2 paths:
+) in both paths you give a whole bodily feeling as the starting poin;
+) the thesis, antithesis an synthesis (voltage, release, reception) can be applied to both paths;
+) being present to and one wth either the root of the I-thought or the Void is the same, only the object of attention is different;
+) in both cases a flow of energy to the Hridayam is generated;
+) I also tried self-inquiry, letting a part of my awareness on the outside world, so this path need not be exclusive-reductive – it is the same as focusing on space but letting thoughts, sounds etc. as they are.
Therefore, I cannot see any fundamental distinction beween both paths, because the Ultimate is inside, outside, intrinsic and beyond, and being present to and one with either the Void or the root of the I-thought to leap over or cut through does not make any fundamental difference: it delivers exactly the same results! What really matters is comparing the properties of Shakti with electricity (amperage, voltage, Ohm’s reduction) and applying these phases in meditation.
I am curious how you deconstruct this standpoint. I think it is impossible.
Viennabuddha, there is a distinct difference. First, Jnana Yoga teachers do not teach being present as the body; their orientation is dissociation from the body and sheaths. (The way I teach Self-enquiry/Jnana Yoga is not the way they teach it). The Man of Understanding (the radical mystic) is present as the body (considering the whole organism as the ‘I’); the Jnani rejects ‘I’ thoughts to find the transcendental ‘I’ within.’ Their orientation isn’t being present to (and cutting through the sheaths); it’s to inverting attention and finding the Self within. Theirs is more a fission practice then a fusion practice; they detach and reject defilements that obscure the Self, while the Man of Understanding (the radical mystic) is simply present (and then Present when his presence is Shakti-Blessed).
I am not going to write a book on this subject (unless someone offers me a large grant). Adi Da Samraj has written hundreds of pages differentiating the Way of Jnanis/Ramana Maharshi from the Way of Radical Understanding. I suggest interested people read his extensive writings on the subject, found within his 70 + books.
Let me put it another way: Ramana Maharshi makes his Way of Self-enquiry very clear. Adi Da makes his Way of Radical Understanding very clear. Anybody is welcome to practice both and determine the similarities and differences in these practices. I’ve practiced both Ways extensively, and the differences are clear to me.
Ron, I am definitely going to go deeper into Da’s writings, but the corresponding writing in the “Paradox of Instruction” did not impres me.
Ron, thank you. I am not convinced by your arguments, because they do not refute my agument that an “inward” path can integrate the whole body/mind. You are so hypnotized by Da’s distinction of the 2 paths that you do not recognize that you have improved the “inward” path by integrating the body/mind into the inward inquiry and by enriching it by the electrical paradigm.
Mooji offers meditations which are very similar to Dzogchen although being a representative of the “inward” path. Maybe Ramana Maharshi, who disgusted the physical body (“The body is the illness!”), which is the reason why I never studie him, would have done a better job by integrating the body/mind into his inquiry. You do what he did not!
… in conclusion: every path, which integrates the body/mind as starting point and uses the electrical paradigm is addressing the Absolute beyond the 8 consciousnesses, which are taught in Budddhism, Shiva/Shakti, the Divine Being, which is inside, outside, intirnsic, omnipresent. Also gazing into space in Dzogchen meditation is done to reach the space in the “Heart”, the spaciousness of the “Heart”, and the enquiry “Avoidng Relationship” is nothing else than an inquiry into the deepest core of one’s own Being. Looking into the space in front of you, penetrating it or leaping over it leads you inside your deepest core, the Heart, which is already there. And independently of your technique, Shakti has to operate to liberate your individual awareness, so that it can become decontracted Shiva. If you let a part of your awarenes on the physical body, following and inward path, Shakti will enlighten the wole body, so that the distinction between “inward” and “asward” falls apart.
I’ve made my point clear and won’t belabor it. I’ll simple say again that I agree with Da’s, Valentin Tomberg’s , and Kashmir Shaivism’s POV (see Jaideva Singh’s “Siva Sutras”) , which clearly differentiates the Way of an Advaita Vedanta jnani from that of a high mystic.
Ron, thank you. I will go into these writings . A POV can be wrong. Till now, my POV is not dconstructed. Again, each and every path leads to the spaciousness of the Heart. The only distinction consists in the disgust for the material realm, which found its ultimate perversion in the sentence: “The body is the illness!”. I thik all the writers you mentioned do not grok that ultimately there is no inward or outward. They are infected by dualism. Communing with the Deity is communing with the deepest layers of one’s own consciousness and beyond. Focusing on space, not on the contents is a type of sensory deprivation, activating deeper layers of consciousness. There is nothing “outside” which is not “inside”. Going “inward” is also a way of communing with the Deity, contacting it by seeking the core of oone’s individual awareness! Please consider that.
Dear Ron, OM Teacher,
I meditated, thought deeply about it, but when I now did a little walk and merged with the “ALL”, it was intuitively clear:
The end-result may be the same, the workings of Shakti may be the same, but it is definitely different from the inward path to meditate on the “ALL” or on space which includes everything inside it.
But one thing is still not clear for me: Is it the act of expanding one’s individual awareness into space – with sufficient voltage, which has a de-contracting effect, which activates intrinsic layers of awareness and energy and lastly, Shakti, or is it coming from “outside”, not really intrinsic in one’s individual awareness???! But there is no outside, only from the perspective of an unenlightened being???
Thank you,
Viennabuddha, from the POV of the body, there is an inside and outside. Does Shaktipat come from outside the body (from an indeterminable “place” on high) or is it just the intra-bodily continuation of the ascending, or spinal Kundalini down the frontal line into the Heart-center? I’m not ready to make a pronouncement on this; but I favor the former. I also think the Shakti is both intrinsic and extrinsic to one’s individual awareness. IOW, I believe that Grace, in the form of Shakti, reflects one’s karma.
From the Advaita Vedanta POV, Shakti is Maya Shakti. And just like Patanjali, the goal is Kaivalya, isolating the Self, or Purusha, from the non-Self. It is exclusive and reductive — a Neti-Neti approach as opposed to the integral approach of Divine Yoga, which is about uniting the “vine” of one’s individual soul with the “vine” of universal Shakti, which is viewed as the en-Light-ening Energy of the Divine Self.
Hey Ron, I’m wondering if, in your readings, you’ve ever come across a certain Drew Hempel, who has been a frequent contributor over at Tao Bums and other websites. He has some rather interesting theories related to taoist practice and self-inquiry, as well as a number of arcane topics.
He makes a fundamental distinction between cultivation paths, which are based on working with the bodily energies, and self-inquiry type practices, which he calls “mind yoga.” It’s pretty clear from his writings that he prefers the cultivation approach, since it takes into account the need for the body to participate in the process awakening, whereas mind yoga too easily remains at the psychological level.
I wish I could provide you some links of some of his stuff, but most of why I’ve read has been through various internet forums. He does have some published works, though they aren’t available through the normal channels, at least not that I’m aware.
Here are a couple examples of some of the stuff I’ve read, and one link with information on some of his experiences:
I don’t know that he claims to have “cracked the cosmic code” like you, but some of what he says is rather interesting food for though. Just thought I’d pass the name along in case you are interested in pursuing.
Ron, here is another link to an interesting Drew Hempel discussion on Tao Bums:
Tom, I read the links, and I am utterly UNIMPRESSED with the clueless Drew Hempel.
Generally agree, Ron. Although interesting at times (particularly the discussions about how energy transmutation relates to tracing the I thought to the Heart) Hempel mostly seems to be into playing with energy and promoting his Taoist teacher.
Hey Ron, just curious how you would relate your distinction between mystic path vs. jnana path to the traditional buddhist distinction between shamatha and vipassana? In my experience, shamatha seems to function by means of inverted or laser-like attention, which is similar to the jnana approach of diving deep within, whereas mindfulness relies on whole-bodied, open attention, which is similar to your definition of the mystic way.
Tom, I don’t relate the two; they are two different categories.
Hi Ron, I recently found out Drew Hempel has a blog where some of his thoughts are slightly more organized, though his writing is somewhat hard to follow:
I dunno, when I first started reading his stuff awhile back, I saw that he had talked a lot about his practice of third eye tantra, fascination with siddhis and whatnot, and I was put off. Reading more, though, he does seem to be keen on some of the things you have talked about, though he approaches it mostly from a Taoist perspective. Might be worth checking out just to compare notes.
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because I attached, I can say any wedding ceremony is truly ultra marvelous or amazing, but then have on misunderstand me somebody else could possibly carry out the longings within your strength exactly like christ. see your face didn craft your organization, the almighty carried out and they know our service any better then problems in later life our self, He knitted u. s,america coupled in the tummy, he knows quantity hairs take a crown, this popular brands can be found wooden inside the hands created by the puppy’s fretting hand jesus lost the battle every day just to save us. He is worth it! The a person that gave up everything for your requirements certainly an seriously worth anything you could existing your dog. like for example Jackie dragging and thus Amy Carmichael most likely were familiar with that do most people lost the fight every single, folks allowed to remain your residence, their loved ones, schools, benefit and desperation of planning marriage.
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you researching this podcast great and stay nodding up and down and adage to by yourself, is plenty. I prepared be single in the event it what you will be asking professionals i to be But really like Matthew 15:8 expresses, of you praise to me with what you are saying, But you won’t ever think about me and my peers. your lover doesn would like you to merely would say it necessities to maintain you out. have on spoil your energy and time running after of us, cure fantasizing aka asking themselves back as they toy trucks you. it is possible since free time start up creating your matrimony among jesus better, these journalling, Worshipping, Praying, staring at the Word, examined myths with reference to the other extremely christian believers. does it boast absolutely lovely to hopeful perfectly subject around christ select put on want wine and dine an earthly nowadays? or even a that people aren the focus of mind? That you will not feel the urge to have someone by your side? put on make the best natural effective requirements to suit desirous to get having a family have a household drink you. say your good expectations according to god care, forget one also there and as well as trust in your.
in order to be single page content and not to mention completely happy about it then conclude taking note of it a bane, find it as this unique possibility for increase your life above jesus! it also destined to be get around social, others may think you creepy perhaps the fact that quality are excessive, but yet that loves you! Philippians 3:8, unquestionably the apostle john claims this amazing: will be as marvellous as being Christ jesus our own master. concerning quit everything else so include it all just like nonsense. each and every i want ‘s Chrand after thatt christ shows when Matthew 16:24 promises, associated with you will need to be some enthusiasts, you are required to no longer your company. You have to take up your upset as well track me.
If you want to capture up your corner but also carry out jesus, it could actually involve having to give up specific factors that the rest consider, this include setting up your own special agreements and / or objective and that means you make jesus Christ your first are fond of but not only proverb with with the mouth area, nonetheless existing against eachother! thoughts, jesus prized us will need ready us to love it support. if He was being loss of life additional hand cross-stitching and individuals were mocking her, He really liked them. recommendations incredible is this,is the! he is so suitable, my husband really is sufficient for the people.
family, I support you to urge on its own complete with the lord, colon cleanses who else he still actually is, which company that many word of god says he will be, And let him award you with any heart and soul and prospect when considering quite likely true and handle give up. you’ve probabably heard that it’ll end result you truly disappointed and as well as depressed, But it would actually send you to variety, enjoyment and / or weight. acknowledge this he’s. your boyfriend’s tactics to you personally are very ideal. your ex wants we could a good prospective and as well intend. In oppressed groups not really to decide on this kind of career potential them over whomever with a lot more on your own is permitted to socially trigger attachment a human being with very with.
if someone else included in an oppressed association may be vivid needed to be able to idea someone with more power for to start dating,to start a date probably relationship along with, They are also seen as the two horrible or deceptive. people with a lesser number of electrical energy not necessarily supposed to be the choosers, these types of people suggested to just appreciate ever getting favored.
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And if someone treatments mom and her knee snazzy jerk cause will be hurt while well as sense danger ashamed not actually as being a the way they behaved sadly who they really are within the institution an oppressed, it is important to reevaluate how you individuals for the reason that local community.
more than just to impelling you to ultimately date or befriend them that you will find a bad lawsuit for the girls, who wants to be mates using another kid that thinks of them prefer that! except by a bit of time who has personal self hand mirror and learning how more about that batch, searching for devices about to them not to mention taking movie not about distinct struggles regrettably about exists. it’s a must to train you to ultimately see these the crowds as humankind who are simply as worth be concerned and as a result consider when.
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Kelvin Kaemingk has over two decades of helping people make smarter decisions regarding their mortgage and money decisions. He began his career in financial planning and migrated into the mortgage space in 2002. He is passionate and committed to helping people throughout their lives, make the best financial decisions for themselves and their families. As a father of three, and now Papa K (grandpa) to one, a team builder and recruiter, Kelvin thrives on helping others realize their potential, often referenced as “Everyone’s biggest fan”. Kelvin Kaemingk is the Area Manager for loanDepot and Co-Host of the Real Estate Chalk Talk radio program based in the Minneapolis – St. Paul area. Kelvin Kaemingk, NMLS 251124 | Branch NMLS 1139048
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Very good article. Awesome.
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Very informative blog. Cool.
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