The Feeling of Being

by L. Ron Gardner on July 25, 2014

The Hindus talk about the “feeling of Being,” which many Buddhists disparage as less than the experience of Ultimate Reality.

I differ with the Buddhists and side with the Hindus. As I see it, the feeling of Being is analogous to the experience of Nirvana, which is, at least temporarily, the cessation of becoming, which means Being.

When a yogi is di-vinely Be-ing – meaning that his consciousness is at-one with Shakti, or Ananda, or the Sambhogakaya (the Bliss Body), then he spontaneously experiences the Heart-felt feeling of Being.

The feeling of Being cannot be experienced until one is actually Be-ing. What is called Be-ing in Hinduism is tantamount to Tathata, or Suchness, or Thatness, in Buddhism, and what is called the feeling of Being in Hinduism is equivalent to the Nirvanic bliss of Buddhists.

Why do the Buddhists have a problem with the Hindu feeling of Being? Because they are infected with what I call the “Madhyamika virus,” and conflate Ultimate Reality with “Sunyata,” Emptiness. Hence they mistakenly identify “feeling” as a skandha (or dualistic aggregate of grasping) instead of as a nondual feeling which naturally accompanies Being, the union of Consciousness (Siva) and Energy (Shakti) in one’s Heart-center (Hridayam).

If the Buddhists had a clue — which hopefully some of them will get after I publish my book on Buddhism next year – they’d recognize Being as Mind, or Awareness, merged with the Dharmamegha (Dharma Cloud), or Sambhogakaya. And they’s realize that the Nirvanic bliss spontaneously stemming from this union is no different than the Hindu feeling of Being, which is no different than the Beatitude that Christian mystics experience.

Even if one hasn’t cut the Heart-knot, one can experience Di-vine Being, or Tatahata, or Suchness, and the Nirvanic feeling of Being that accompanies it. And this experience happens when Shakti, the Holy Spirit, or Sambhogakaya, pours into one’s Heart-center, and one lets go of all effort. It takes no effort to be, but to Di-vinely Be, and experience the Divine feeling of Being, the vine of Shakti, must penetrate to one’s Heart-center, where it unites with the vine of Siva and yields Divine Ecstasy. “Ecstasy” means to stand outside oneself , and when one is Divinely Be-ing, one literally stands outside not only oneself, but time and space.

(Note: From now on, I will be posting new articles every other week instead of every week at And I will be doing likewise at

{ 2581 comments… read them below or add one }

Tom August 5, 2014 at 5:14 am

Hey Ron,

I’ve been thinking about this post in light of the practice taught in the Cloud of Unknowing as well as Maharshi’s Self-Inquiry. I have a doubt. How can it be that the feeling of being you are talking about is the same as what is happening in Self inquiry? My understanding is that in Self-Inquiry, one is continually releasing identifications from the realms of body and mind (sensations, feelings, all manner of thoughts, as well as all “dhammas” mentioned in the satipatthana sutta), so everything in the gross, subtle and causal spheres is witnessed and seen to be other than Self/consciousness, because it is impermanent and therefore ultimately a cause of suffering. It is only when there is consciousness without object of any kind (pure consciousness) that one is truly abiding in the Self. I haven’t yet decided whether this is equivalent to nirvana, but let’s assume for now it is.

My sense is that the feeling of being you talk about is yet another object one can witness. It is a stage along the path. If one can witness the feeling of being you are talking about, one is not yet abiding in the Self and is in danger of getting stuck in a subtle identification.

Wondering if you have any thoughts on this.


L. Ron Gardner August 5, 2014 at 11:45 am

Tom, the (Blissful) Feeling of Being naturally accompanies Heart-felt Be-ing itself. It is tantamount to Beatitude. It is not an emotion (an automatic value-judgment reaction to something) and it is not an Object. It is the Self-Radiant Happiness of uncontracted Self-Awareness. Feeling is intrinsic to Being. Only by resting in, and as, Being, is the Feeling of Being experienced.

If you read “Meditations on the Tarot” or Electrical Christianity,” you will understand the continuum: pleasure, joy, bliss, beatitude.


Tom August 6, 2014 at 10:04 am

Okay, thanks for your response. Makes sense. Ramana does speak about Awareness (which we are) as Existence-Consciousness-Bliss. Everything else is negated as not-Self.

A further question, though. As I’ve been reading the Kashmir Shaivism stuff I’m learning that the basic difference from it and Vedanta (and Patanjali Yoga as well) is that the latter proceeds by way of discrimination, which involves separating/isolating Self from the universe, whereas Kashmir Shaivism seeks integration of the individual Self to the universal Self and understands the universe to be an expression of the universal Self. The approach of Kashmir Shaivism seems to be more in line with a Christian understanding, at least in certain respects.

What I’m wondering: does the path one uses to get to enlightenment color one’s experience of enlightenment? Particularly, does the view of emptiness color the actual experience of enlightenment in a way that is different than other approaches to the Absolute, or is the difference only at the level of cognitive reflection and expression? How could one even know this?

My personal angle is, I want to say that each wisdom tradition has a central concept around which is builds its path, but that the path is only a relative means to the Absolute, which is experienced in essentially the same way by all. I would break down the central conception of the path like this for these traditions:

Original buddhism: equanimity in the face of what is impermanent (or anatta, not-self)
Mahayana bhuddism: Recognition of buddha nature
Madhyamaka buddhism: Recognition of emptiness
Vedanta: separation of Atman from Maya
Patanjali: separation of Purusa from Prakriti
Kashmir Shaivism: integration of individual Self into universal Self
Christian mysticism: loving communion with and transformation in God

It seems to me that, at some level, the experience in each system would have to be the same since it is an unconditioned state, and that it is only at the level of reflecting on it with the mind that the differences are seen. Hence the problems with language and why there are endless debates between different schools of mysticism/religion.

Is this your understanding as well?


Tom August 6, 2014 at 10:18 am

“The approach of Kashmir Shaivism seems to be more in line with a Christian understanding, at least in certain respects.”

One obvious difference being that Christian mysticism is not monistic whereas Kashmir Shaivism is.


L. Ron Gardner August 6, 2014 at 8:34 pm

Tom, yes, one’s path can color one’s perspective of Enlightenment. The differences are not necessarily just on the level of mind. I don’t for a moment believe that Nagarjuna was Enlightened.

If you want to read a perspective on the different paths that mirrors mine, read the teachings of Adi Da Samraj. There is a very interesting chapter entitled “The Great Path of Return Versus the Radical Path of Understanding, ” or something like that, in “The Paradox of Instruction.”

Comparing and contrasting different spiritual traditions is interesting and challenging, and books can be written on the questions you have brought up.

I particularly resonate with Kashmir Shaivism just as I do with Christian mysticism. These traditions have much in common.

I’ve just started writing a few-part series on Da and my problems with him and some of his teachings. I should have the first part ready to post by this weekend.


Tom August 7, 2014 at 2:42 pm

Sounds good, Ron.

I’ve put aside Da for the time being. Though I think he had some interesting insights, I’m not convinced his discovery of the importance of both terminals of the amrita nadi is unique to him alone. I look forward to what you have to say though.


L. Ron Gardner August 7, 2014 at 7:34 pm

Tom, as I wrote in “Electrical Christianity,” I have not cut the Heart-knot, so I cannot definitively detail the esoteric anatomy involved in full Enlightenment. Compare what’s written in “Sri Ramama Gita” and “Sat Darshana Bhashya” with Da’s writings, and draw your own conclusions. I regularly experience the Heart-center and the current between the Heart-center and the Crown, but I’m not going to make a fool of myself by going further than this and critiquing Da versus Ramana on this very esoteric consideration.

Both terminals weren’t important to Da. They are not even mentioned in the original “Knee of Listening.” What was important to him was obviating the self-contraction via radical understanding.


Tom August 8, 2014 at 6:21 am

Point being, if what Holleran suggests is true, Da wrongly assessed Ramana.


L. Ron Gardner August 8, 2014 at 9:17 am

Tom, I’ve edited this post, because the quote comes from Holleran’s webpage. Da was well aware of everything in the quote you provided; yet he still differentiated his Enlightenment from Ramana Maharshi’s after he anointed himself the First, Last, and Only 7th-stage Avatar.

The original “The Knee of Listening” does not have 18 chapters, and is written under the name of either Franklin Jones or Bubba Free John. So you do not have the original.

Esoteric anatomy has little meaning until an individual begins to experience these “places” and “pathways.” Therefore, though it is important to know about esoteric anatomy, it is of secondary importance. When I first read Ramana Maharshi, I didn’t know what to make of his writings on the Heart-on-the-right. Years later, when I began to experience it, it then had real meaning and significance to me.

Real yoga is not about exploiting these “places” and “pathways” and focusing attention on them. It is about transcending the root ego — the avoidance of Relationship (which morphs into Being-ness, or Tathata). Then, as Energy begins to move through one’s body, one experiences these “places” and “pathways,” and can, based on his experience, begin to “map” them.


Tom August 13, 2014 at 3:11 pm

Hi Ron.

I’m not suggesting an exploitation of the knowledge of esoteric anatomy. I read somewhere that Ramana taught people not to try to find the place of the heart, but only to try to have an experience of it through inquiry. And the Buddha did not teach manipulation of chakras and esoteric anatomy as a direct path to realization. I do understand meditation to essentially be a noticing and relaxation of the contraction of awareness arising from craving and aversion (which is a reduction of self-identity to objects of awareness) rather than charging oneself up with kundlini energy.

I’m just pointing out that Da, by his own words (whether written earlier or later makes no difference), says that his unique perspective on amrita nadi, which entails a regeneration of the entire nadi from one end to the other, is the highest form of realization thus far (and for all time) and that nobody else had this esoteric knowledge. Based on what I’ve read I doubt that claim, though he may be the first to set it out in writing so clearly.


Viennabuddha August 11, 2014 at 11:20 am

Dear Ron, OM Teacher,

you equate Divine Shakti with the Sambhogakaya and the Holy Spirit. As far as I understand it, you mean the tattva Ananda Shakti of Kashmir Shaivism. This is a still unmanifest tattva. On the other hand, the energy of the Holy Spirit is very often described as white, clear-white, sometimes as golden; so we have color and form – manifestation. Is my understanding correct, that when we are correctly plugged in and let go, that it is not directly Ananda Shakti, which presses against the forehead, but a manifestion of it? Ananda Shakti is, as I said, beyond manifestation and the penetration of the sheaths is executed by appropriate shaktis, correct?

Thank you and Namaste!


L. Ron Gardner August 11, 2014 at 2:22 pm

Viennabuddha, Ananda Shakti is an unmanifest Tattva; it is the unborn, Clear-Light Energy of the Absolute. It is the Dharmakaya as the Sambhogakaya. This Energy functions as the Bliss Sheath (Anandamayakosha) until contracted Siva (the Jiva in the Heart-center) unites with it. It is my contention, in accordance with Advaita Vedanta, that Anandamayakosha is the Causal Body, because the separation of the Jiva (in the Heart-center) from Ananda Shakti generates the self-contraction. Hence, Ananda Shakti is the Shakti that is sucked into, and is emitted from, the Hridayam (or Heart-center), where the Jiva (or soul) is located.


Viennabuddha August 11, 2014 at 4:23 pm

Dear Ron, OM Teacher,

o.k., and what can I feel pressing against the third eye? Is it this unmanifest Clear Light-Power (why can I feel it then in a tactile bodily manner?) or a stepped down manifestation?!

Thank you and Namaste!


Viennabuddha August 12, 2014 at 5:39 pm

Subject: Anugraha Shakti (AGS)-

Dear Ron, OM Teacher,

thank you. OK, you agree that AGS itself is non-manifest, beyond manifestation, Ananda Shakti, correct? Nevertheless Ohm’s Law works, because as above so below, or better in that special case: as below, so above. High Presence (not a manfestation, but ultimately a function of contracted Shiva), letting-go, … attracts unmanifest AGS, a potential current (Here Peter Wilberg comes to my mind, who defines Shakti as a potential!).

Do you agree that every force-field, which is local, must logically be a manifestation, may it be a manifestation with effects on the pranamaya, manomaya or the vijnanamaya kosha, but not directly AGS itself? The process of contacting and attracting AGS (Shakti starting the mission impossible of liberating her consort!), a potential, unmanifest Power, by means of ISM (Integral Spiritual Meditation), initiates the manifestation of currents of different vibration. I think AGS cannot be unmanifest and manifest at the same time, I think, as you teach, it is unmanifest and can create programmed localized currents. I think what actually influences the several sheaths is a sort of “individualized mahat tattva” (Sankhya) and further stepped down manifest forces.

Does that make sense?

Thank you and Namaste,



L. Ron Gardner August 12, 2014 at 6:15 pm

Yes, AGS is Unmanifest Energy, the same as Ananda Shakti. It is “in the world,” but not “of the world.” Again, how the stepped-down energies of the universe derive and manifest from the Unmanfest Energy is not a question I can answer. If you can find someone with the answer, let me know.

I don’t claim that Ohm’s Law holds for the Trinitarian spirituality I teach, but it, or a reasonable facsimile of it, seems to — at least to me. From my perspective, the Unmanifest Energy hits resistance, and this stimulates the movement of energy through the nadis. I believe that the nadi that leads to Liberation, Amrita Nadi, is the channel for the Causal Body, the Bliss Sheath, or Dharmamegha, or Sambhogakaya, or Ananda

Again I do not want to make a fool of myself. I have not cut the Heart-knot, so I’m not qualified to definitively explain the higher “metaphysics” and “physics” of En-Light-enment.

Viennabuddha August 11, 2014 at 1:57 pm

Dear Ron, OM Teacher,

you define Ultimate Reality as Sat = Chit + Ananda. Cit, pure Awareness equates Chit Shakti (= Shiva), Ananda = Ananda Shakti. Please could you explain the Buddhist concept of “Dharmadhatu” and how it relates to Sat/Chit/Ananda? I am fully aware that we are here at the utmost limit of what can be expressed in words.

Thank you and Namaste!


L. Ron Gardner August 11, 2014 at 2:29 pm

The Dharmadhatu is simply the Dharmakaya as the illimitable, spaceless Context within which phenomena arise. It is the ” basic” spaceless “space” of phenomena. It is tantamount to Sat-Chit-Ananda as the spaceless universal Context from which all cosmic content derives.


Viennabuddha August 11, 2014 at 4:26 pm

Dear Ron, Om Teacher,

o.k., but now I want to pinpoint it: This “Context” is it a “Ground of Being” beyond Sat/Chit/Ananda? Or how could we try to understand it?

Thank you and Namaste!


Viennabuddha August 11, 2014 at 5:07 pm

To make the question even clearer: Dharmadhatu = Dharmakaya ? Dharmakaya= Awareness or the “Context” of Awareness. What is the difference between Awareness itself and the “Contect”?


L. Ron Gardner August 11, 2014 at 5:32 pm

Viennabuddha, Dharmadhatu = Dharmakaya. The Dharmadhatu is simply the Dharmakaya viewed as the all-pervading Context (or universal Ground) of phenomena. Universal Awareness, the One Mind, is the Dharmakaya, is the Dharmadhatu, is the Context of all content, or phenomena.


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