The Demystification of Dzogchen Thodgal (Togal), Part 3

by L. Ron Gardner on December 23, 2014

Longchen Rabjam (1308-1363) is generally considered the foremost Tibetan Dzogchen guru/scholar in history. I’ve read a number of translations of his books, and I have not found a single one wherein he describes Thodgal (Togal) as does the poster Eliot (see his comments to my articles “Dzogchen Thodgal (Togal): Namakhai Norbu’s POV Versus Mine” at, and “The Demystification of Dzogchen Thodgal (Togal), Part 2” here at The fact is, Rabjam describes Thodgal (Togal) and the Four Visions in essentially the same way that I do.

I have no interest in the spurious, reductive brand of Thodgal (Togal) championed by Eliot and current Dzogchen teachers such as Jackson Peterson (author of “The Natural Bliss of Being”). Genuine Thodgal/Togal has nothing to do with visions that one gets while gazing at the sun or meditating in dark caves or rooms. I’m not sure what Tibetan guru invented this nonsense (no doubt to “privatize”/”secretize” the practice), but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was Jigme Lingpa (1729-1798).

According to Eliot, “As for Longchenpa [Longchen Rabjam], he did indeed speak of Togal, Tigles, Vajra chains and so forth. However these have been excised from the publicly available texts with which you are familiar in order not to confuse the average uninformed and uninitiated reader.”

More nonsense, I say. Doubtless a story concocted to cover up the fact that Rabjam never taught this brand of visionary Togal (which has nothing to with real Togal, which is about the realization of the Dharmata, which is the same Reality as Hindu Sat-Chit-Ananda.

In his text “A Treasure Trove of Scriptural Transmission, Rabjam describes Togal as  ”resting in the continuum of the radiance of Awareness.” There is nothing in this book regarding visionary phenonena, which are utterly superfluous to the true Vision of Reality, the Dharmata. 

If you click on the link below, you will be taken to a few Google Book pages from the tome “The Practice of Dzogchen: Longchen Rabjam’s Writings on the Great Perfection.” If you read the sections entitled “The Attainment of Four Visions and Ten Stages” and “Attainment of Thregchod and Thogdal,” you can compare what Rabjam says with what Eliot says. You will also see that Rabjam describes Thregchod and Thogdal similarly to the way that I do.

Another point regarding these pages: In the paragraph introducing the section “Attainment of Thregchod and Thogdal,” the practice of Dzogchen is described as “the union of ultimate sphere and intriscic awareness.” In other words, so-called “nondualistic” Dzogchen can be described in dualistic yogic terms – and is Divine Yoga (or Communion) in drag.

Gautama Buddha never mentioned a Rainbow Body, and his body did not dematerialize. From Eliot’s perspective, he did not attain Enlightenment.  This means that the very foundation of Buddhism is faulty – and if the foundation is bad, then the whole religion built on that foundation is bad. But, thankfully, one particular teaching in Tibet offers us “Rainbow Salvation” via a specific, secret Togal technique… But wait a minute, I have just reviewed Taoist master Mantak Chia’s text “Cosmic Fusion” at (see my one-star review), and posted the review at Chia informs us that thousands of Taoist masters (but, of course, no Buddhist masters) also attained Light or Rainbow bodies, and, in broad daylight, dematerialized. But the bad news, according to Chia, is is that it takes from 80 to a few hundred years to get a Rainbow Body (must be the “slow boat to China method”) Maybe somebody, such as Eliot, can introduce them to to his brand of Tibetan Togal, to speed up the process.

Eliot has recommended a few (overpriced) books (by obscure authors) for me that supposedly elaborate the brand of Thodgal (Togal) he is into. I will not spend $30 or more for such books. But if anyone wants me to read and review these books, I will gladly do so if someone sends them to me (in which case I will mail them back after I read and review them).


{ 2012 comments… read them below or add one }

Viennabuddha December 25, 2014 at 9:12 am

Dear Ron, OM Teacher,

please give us a clear statement, if you – in principle – ridicule the possibility of attaining an Immortal Body (transmutation of matter into light) or if you think that it is possible, but the published descritions are unfunded and faulty.

Thank you and Namaste!



jason king August 19, 2015 at 4:11 am

You would think that someone as “fluid” in Dharma as you would be able to identify the occurrence of a simple metaphor.


lrongardner December 25, 2014 at 9:47 am

Viennabuddha, I’m skeptical about the possibility of physical dematerialization. And I have little regard for the little I’ve read (since little is available) of the “secret” Togal teachings that putatively facilitate the transmutation of the gross physical body into pure Light.


lrongardner April 5, 2015 at 8:22 am

efn, I’ve read all the big names in Dzogchen, and I’m clear on my understanding of this practice. If you think you know of a teaching that can “educate” me on the subject, then send it to me , and I will post my review of it here and at Amazon.


efn April 9, 2015 at 9:18 am

“That can “educate” me on the subject”

Sure, since you lack a basic scholarly understanding, start with:
“Poetic thought, the intelligent Universe, and the mystery of self:
The Tantric synthesis of rDzogs Chen in fourteenth century Tibet” -David Francis Germano


“L´Essence Perlée du Secret: Recherches philologique et historiques sur l´origine de la Grande Perfection dans la tradition rNying ma pa” by Jean-Luc Achard


“The Funerary Transformation
of the Great Perfection (Rdzogs chen)” -David Germano

Or you can just put in the hard work the rest of us have that want a comprehensive and honest understanding of the subject and learn Tibetan as well as receiving the critical oral instructions on the relevant matters. Anything else is sloppy and uncritical topical research, and doesn’t provide any authority on the matter.


efn April 9, 2015 at 9:11 am

“I’ve read all the big names in Dzogchen, and I’m clear on my understanding of this practice.”

I’ve addressed most of your comment in the part 2 section, however let me just iterate here that reading some English books on thogal isn’t going to give an understanding of the practice at all. There are not direct instructions available at all, the texts and oral instructions are all still “whispered” and maintained secret, Thogal and Yangthik cannot be currently learned in English. If you know where to look, you can learn a decent deal in Tibetan, as less than 10% of Tibetan texts are even available in English, but you don’t speak or read Tibetan.

If you could provide a list of the names of all the big names of Dzogchen, that would be great, because my guess is it is laughably small considering you are stuck with vague English texts. We are still in the very early stages of Dzogchen in English, and it is a bright future in that there is still plenty of work to be done and be made available, but you have demonstrate virtually no understanding of the matters in question, not only the kayas and how they are treated in Dzogchen and Tantra, but the techniques of Thogal or Trecko.

You can rationalize your blind leading the blind approach all you want, but you are demonstrating nothing but arrogance by pretending you have a clue about these practices. Anyone with any knowledge of the kayas would show a lot more humility and self-honesty about the limits of their own knowledge, and your demonstration of the direct polar of this is extremely telling.

Take care.


lrongardner April 9, 2015 at 3:44 pm

EFN, let me make myself clear: Dzogchen is NOT unique. It’s simply the practice of Be-ing Consciousness-Spirit (or Dharmakaya-Sambhogakaya). Dharmakaya-Sambhogakaya = Siva-Shakti.

One can dispense with make-shift terms such Trikaya and Treckho/Togal, and describe Dzogchen, as Primordial Mind, as effortless BEING, which is what Longchen Rabjam and Huang Po do. It takes no effort to BE, hence all spirituality is reducible to irreducible, effortless BEING, which is Nirvana (from the viewpoint of the yogi). Rabjam emphasizes effortlessness, and so do Zen and Advaita Vedanta teachings. Dzogchen is just different dressing for the same salad.

But effortless, in and of itself, does not work as a sadhana –and my Electrical Spiritual Paradigm explains why not. Moreover, I contend that one cannot grok the En-Light-enment project without utilizing a Trinitarian framework (such as the Trikaya), and both a “Yang” consciousness practice (such as Treckho), and a Yin conductivity one (such as Togal).

The Germano books you listed aren’t available at Amazon (and I don’t read French). If you send me copies I’ll read and review them.

I don’t rationalize anything. Moreover, I say I’m the foremost Dzogchen exegete. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


efn April 16, 2015 at 10:12 pm

You are one of the most arrogant individuals I have come across. You clearly have a vested interest in selling your bullshit books and are unable to critically evaluate the material being discussed. You once again, have failed to provide any insight, any evidence, any rational. Instead, in all the articles and comments you have made, all you have is rhetoric and faith-based (read: without evidence/blind) assertions. You have no interest or knowledge of how these terms were actually used in the past and instead of honestly looking into it, you are concerned with spreading disinformation (likely to foster your booksales).

” It’s simply the practice of Be-ing Consciousness-Spirit”

Prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

“One can dispense with make-shift terms such Trikaya and Treckho/Togal”

Yes if you are willing to dispense with critical accuracy. As you are intent on tossing out everything that doesn’t fit into your narrow, and rather distorted new-age spiritual crapbox. It is called cherry-picking.

” as effortless BEING, which is what Longchen Rabjam”

Klongchenpa taught mahayoga and tantra in general, he taught thodgal, hell, the earliest instance of thodgal being mentioned is from 2 pages recovered in the 8th century.He didn’t teach effortless non-action, instead he taught non-involvement in the 9 actions of the sense-doors.

“To reject practice by saying, ‘it is conceptual!’ is the path of fools. A tendency of the inexperienced and something to be avoided.”
– Longchenpa

Plus, I pointed you to a text by Longchenpa which refutes what you are saying, and you clearly didn’t read it.

“It takes no effort to BE”

But effortless being can also just take one to the all-basis, hell, even the consciousness of the all-basis, rather than the Base or Rigpa. So your stratagem for liberation leads nowhere. The all-basis is such an obstacle that Dzogchen considers it “like cutting off one’s head”, as while abiding in it one’s progress is stagnate towards nirvana. Yet it entails an effortless total relaxation, and your new-age babble fails to distinguish between any of these critical states.

“both a “Yang” consciousness practice (such as Treckho), and a Yin conductivity one (such as Togal).”

You have demonstrated time and time again that you have no idea what Thodgal even is.

“The Germano books you listed aren’t available at Amazon”

But you didn’t take the 10 seconds to google them? To realize they are not books but academic works publishes openly on the internet? This is indicative of the type of sloppy scholarship you demonstrated.

“If you send me copies I’ll read and review them. ”

Who cares about your reviews? You are coming from a biased perspective intent on spreading new-age babble and profiting on your own ignorance by selling your books. Why would anyone take your reviews seriously? It is like taking seriously the reviews of dental hygienist on Penrose’s work on spin theory, it would just be laughably pointless. A complete waste of time.

“Moreover, I say I’m the foremost Dzogchen exegete. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.”

Well you are delusional enough that you smoking hard drugs would be a reasonably apt explanation for your grandiose delusions.


Stara January 30, 2019 at 8:15 am

I smile, you are arguing about something that can not be explained in words but can only be experienced in the heart. The mind can not grasp the togal visions and the grasping misses the target. Like holding a butterfly. Might as well argue about what it feels like to be in love or which fruit tastes the best. I appreciate your effort to hash out enlightenment but can we all just take a few deep breathes and come back to love.

I keep remembering I keep forgetting, there is no self, there is no other.

Fumbling in ecstasy,


L. Ron Gardner January 31, 2019 at 12:41 pm

Stara, you’re welcome to your opinion, but it’s not mine


Stara February 3, 2019 at 10:40 am

I did not realize I was being opinionated. Now I’m curious, which part of my comment do you disagree with?

lrongardner April 17, 2015 at 5:45 pm

EFN, I don’t have the time or interest to read Germano’s 1000-page PhD dissertation (and given your low opinion of me, I have no idea why you’d be in interested in my opinion of it). If he writes a Dzogchen book that’s available for a reasonable price (or someone sends me a copy), I’ll read and review it. I’m simply unimpressed with what he wrote above; it’s what a clueless pointy-headed professor would write. “Cultivating a spontaneous flow of images” has nothing to do with real contemplation, real togal. Real contemplation, real togal, is imageless, because it’s about the Clear-Light continuum or flow.

When you can find Rabjam and Padmasambhava describing togal the way Germano has, let me know.


Dharma July 31, 2015 at 2:03 pm

Here are some Amazon available books that describe precisely what “Thogal” practice and how the practices are performed:

Heart Drops of the Dharmakaya by Shardza Rinpoche

Awareness by Karma Chagme translated by Alan Wallace

Wonders of the Natural Mind by Tenzin Wangyal

They accord with all Dzogchen masters from both Bon and Nyingma. The early 11th century Dzogchen Tantras of the Nying Thig cycle also explain Thogal identical to Namkhai Norbu and Lonchenpa. Lonchenpa explains the sun gazing methods of Thogal also in his Nying Thig commentaries. Also Jigma Lingpa’s Yeshe Lama describes Thogal identically to the early 17 Nying Thig tantras. There is no channeling of Spirit or any higher energy in Thogal
practice. Thogal works with activating inner lamps or “dronma” using secondary light sources such as the sun, moon, candle lights etc. that cause spherical light appearances before one’s eyes that evolve into intricate Buddha mandalas and inner awareness
( rigpa) to maximize resulting in a total transformation of the physical
body into its essential elements of Light.


lrongardner July 31, 2015 at 2:45 pm

I’ve reviewed, at Amazon, “Heart Drops of the Dharmakaya” (see my one-star review of this crummy text) and “Wonders of the Natural Mind” (see my three-star review).The Nying Thig and Jigma Lingpa are a joke regarding Togal (see my three star Amazon review of “Approaching the Great Perfection: Simultaneous and Gradual Methods in the Longchen Nyingtig”). Anybody who believes that Lingpa is the reincarnation of Rabjam or got Longchen Nyingtik from him is smoking some strong stuff.

I’ll say it again: Togal (“Leap-Over, the “Direct Approach,” or “Spontaneous Presence”) is simply direct, immediate connectedness to the ‘Other Side,’ the Sambhogakaya, the Blessing/Blissing Clear-Light Energy Dimension of the Dharmakaya, and then conducting this Light-Energy continuum, or Divine Power, which is the same “Body” as the Christian Holy Spirit and Hindu Iccha/Ananda/Anugraha Shakti, which is received as Shaktipat.

The Dzogchen “masters” are all confused in various ways, including Longchenpa. But I cannot devote my life to in-depth deconstructions of every Dharma out there. I will eventually write books on Buddhism and Dzogchen — and people will be free to respond to the Buddhadharma I promote.


Dharma August 1, 2015 at 12:20 pm

It’s clear you have no idea of what you are talking about. The entire Dzogchen and Nyingma lineage present Dzogchen Thogal teaching instructions in complete accordance with how Norbu and all the current masters describe. You are the only human on Earth who states otherwise… not because of wisdom or scholarly knowledge but because of pure stupidity regarding the topic.

Just give it up and go back to your new age crap..,


lrongardner August 1, 2015 at 6:57 pm

Dharma, anybody who truly understands what Conscious Spirit-ual life is about will laugh at the Togal practices pushed by Dzogchen. They involve remedial subject-object entanglement, and focus on phenomenal experiences and the spiritual search. What’s amazing is that when I read Longchenpa, he repeatedly emphasizes effortlessness and non-seeking, and correlates this with Treckho, but then in a single, isolated statement, he says Togal involves effort. He doesn’t elaborate, because that would make him look like a fool.

True Togal is, as Longchenpa states, “resting in the continuum of the radiance of awareness.” That is exactly what Shaktipat, conducting the Spirit-current, is about. I repeatedly read the terms “Grace Waves” and “Gift Waves” in Tibetan Buddhism. This Grace, or Blessing/Blissing Clear-Light Energy, is Divine Power, Ananda/Iccha/Anugraha Shakti.

Clear-Light Energy cannot be seen, only felt. The Rainbow Body is the secondary, “prismatic” effect resulting from the Clear-Light intersecting and divinizing the incarnational body.


ken August 8, 2017 at 2:55 pm

Primordial awareness is an uncontained empty spacious non-dual;felt clear light. Its radiance..the prismatic effect(duality) is the incarnation or divination of all phenomenon. To set aside phenomenon is to deny awareness..for everything is an awareness. The 2 fold awareness (union)that is Trecho and Togal is played out with our inner eye and our natural eyes; giving rise to all that IS as IT IS and thus is an all pervasive purity, and knowing as anything, everything and as No-thing is maintained in perfect balance. The sun and its light (its radiance) are one and the same and neither should be excluded. I only know awareness in form and non-existence and existence…in time and timelessness. In you and in creation and non-creation.
Phenomenon and existence is it’s expression..Non-existence and non-expression is it’s mystery..ever knowing..ever empty..yet can felt through when awareness awakens in its radiance and gives expression through the prism of noumenon and phenomenon that is us..

I am not a scholar. I embrace awareness for all that it is. It is does not take a medical doctor to know one is healthy. Awareness is my GURU; ever bringing forth all that it is as itself and as phenomenon.


ken August 8, 2017 at 3:13 pm

I do not hold to an afterlife or de-materialization. Awareness does this already. that is what radiance is all about; life after life and death after death infinitely. You and I have no Self-existence to save, rescue. Awareness is all there is and all that will be. It only appears as creation, humanity mind etc. While it appears as a subject or object it it experiences itself as that subject/object while knowing itself as NOT that subject/object. All men (egos) are liars generally..makes no difference if its a politician, pastor or guru. So many contradictions in so many holy books proclaimed among those who want to author and own awareness for others.

If there were such a thing as de-materialization…it would not be on the part of phenomenon itself (an individual personality)…rather awareness returning to its own primordality and its endless potential of beingS You dont have to cheat death…you were never born! LOL


ken August 8, 2017 at 3:20 pm

Lastly..great website..Ron

You do know what your talking about. Your adversaries are mincing words. Anything that is true is generally said with few words which often offends the mighty, the noble and the intellectuals. They hide behind a mystery just so they can influence others and be their saviors


L. Ron Gardner September 21, 2017 at 9:51 am

Thanks, Ken. Sorry I took so long to respond. But for some reason I didn’t get email notification of your posts, and just saw them now.


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